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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How-To Blow a Bubble

This week, we started a new genre of writing called non-fiction. We have graduated from writing small moments and have now focused our writing on teaching others about topics that are important to us. We started with a similar task (blowing a bubble) and here is how they turned out:) Enjoy!

You will need a piece of gum.
First...take the wrapper off the gum and stick it in your mouth.

Then, chew the gum into the shape of a circle.

Flatten the gum with your tongue and move it to the top of your mouth.

Next, move the gum to the back of your front top teeth and front bottom teeth.

Stick your tongue out through your teeth and blow air through your mouth. Make sure to hold the gum steady with your lips!

Last, hold the bubble with your lips!

Miss Cain has one!!!

We tried and tried, but some of us needed more practice:)

Zach made a bubble!

Here is what our finished product looks like.

How to blow a bubble.
Gage almost had one!

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