Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's first grade class!
The following sections contain many of the policies and procedures that will be in place for the school year. Please take some time to review the information and keep it in place where you can access it throughout the year.
Communication is SO important in your child's education. Please feel free to contact me anytime you have questions or concerns. If you choose to call me, I will return your call as soon as I am able. E-mail is the BEST way to get a hold of me, as I check e-mail several times throughout the day.

Please feel free to contact me any time you need to. My information is below:
E-mail: aanders4@hpseagles.net
Voicemail: 662-1478
Written Notes: Please write me a not concerning special events. For example, if your child is getting picked up instead of riding the bus, I will need to see a note from home. Without it, I will put your child on the bus. Please also let me know if you need to pick a child up early or drop them off late due to an appointment etc..
It is very important that students are in school every day. If you child is ill or has an appointment and will be missing school, please call the office at 896-9375 to let us know. If you pick your child up from school before the end of the day you must go to the office to request his/her dismissal. The secretary will call the classroom to have your child meet you in the office. If an extended absence is necessary, please let me know a few days or weeks in advance so that I can have your child's work ready before you leave.
Peanut-Free School
Due to severe allergies, our school is peanut-free. This means there can be absolutely no nuts in any classroom for any reason. When choosing a healthy snack for your child to bring to school, please remember that having peanuts as an ingredient could cause a severe allergic reaction for another student. Please also remember that many snacks do not have peanuts in them, but have been packaged or produced in a building where there are peanuts. If the packaging says "May contain peanuts", this is not a safe snack. Thank you for considering this important fact when sending your child's snack. Other items containing peanuts ARE OKAY for lunches, just not for snack.
We would love to celebrate each child's birthday as a class! On your child's birthday, he/she is welcome to bring a small (non-food) treat for the class, yet it is not necessary. As a school policy, not birthday treats may be food items. If you would like to send a treat, you can send pencils, stickers, temporary
tattoos, and may other fun non-food items. Birthday celebrations will usually take place sometime in the morning around snack break. Summer birthdays may be celebrated on the student's half birthday. (Ex. If your child's birthday is on July 29, we can celebrate on January 29.) Students whose birthdays are on the weekends may celebrate with the class on Friday. There are 24 students in our class.
Book Orders

Book orders are a great way to build your child's home library at a discounted rate. Book orders will be sent home several times throughout the year. If you would like to order, please fill out the order form, Please do not make checks out to me and do not send cash. You may also order online. This is the best way and most convenient. Please reference book order notes as they come home for more information.
include your child's name, and write a check for the exact amount made out to the book company (ex: Scholastic Book Clubs). Our class code is J2GZ9
Classroom Expectations
As a class, we will develop a class promise. We discuss things that are important to us, and how we wan to treat others in our classroom. Some of the expectations that frequently show up include:

We promise to:
- respect others
- use kind words
- be a good sport
- keep our hands to ourselves
- use good manners
- share
- help each other
- smile
- play nicely
- try our personal best
- always tell the truth
- be safe
- treat others how you want to be treated
- take care of classroom supplies and school property
- listen with our eyes, ears and hearts
Behavior Policy
My behavior policy is based on a color system. Students will be given a warning when they are not following the above expectations. At the second reminder, they will be asked to move their clip to yellow and a loss of five minutes of recess is given. An additional reminder for behavior will lead to a clip move to orange and the loss of the entire last recess. Sever behavior infractions will lead to a clip move to red, which would lead to an action plan. if you see an action plan come home, please discuss what happened with your child, sign and return the action plan to school the very next day. Always feel free to contact me if you need more information about what happened. If I see that behavior continues to be a problem, I will contact parents and a more specific behavior plan will be put in place.
Homework and Daily Reading

Take Home Folder
Your child's Take Home Folder is very important. All communication from the school and me will be coming home in this folder. It is extremely important that everything is removed and reviewed each night. Homework will always be sent home in this folder usually on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Your child’s behavior chart will also stay in that folder for you to review each night.
Change in Transportation
If your child has a change in transportation, please be sure to fill out the Buss Pass form and submit it to the transportation office by 10:00am that day. Please understand that I cannot, and will not, release a child to anyone other than a parent unless I have a note from you. If you have someone that will pick up your child on a regular basis, you may write me a note for the year so that I may release your child to this person at any time. All others please send a note on that morning. If you forget to send a note, or have a change of plans for the day, please call the office and let them know that someone other than yourself will be picking up your child.
Hot Lunch Money
Your child has the option to have lunch at school. When sending lunch money, please use the form provided by the food service and place it in an envelope. To ensure your account is credited, please mark the front of the envelope with the following:
Lunch Money
Your Child’s Name
Mrs. Anderson, 1st Grade, Jamestown
Our specials work on a 3 day rotation schedule with STEAM, P.E., Art, Music
Day 1- STEAM
Day 2- PE
Day 3- Art
Day 4- Music
Day 4- Music
We will also go to the computer lab and library one day per week.
Start Student

Library Books
Each first grader is allowed and encouraged to take out one library book at a time. They are due one week from the day the child checks them out. However, if they want more time with a book, they can just renew it after a week for additional time. If your child loses or damages a book, they will need to reimburse the library for the cost of the book.

Contacting Mrs. Anderson
Please know that open communication between us is essential to a happy and productive experience for your child. If you have questions, concerns, funny stories, or happy thoughts about your child I would love to hear them! Please write me an email or note, or give me a call at school. I try to return phone calls the same day I receive them. Email is the best method to get a quick response from me, as I usually check my email multiple times throughout the day. Kindly understand that during arrival and dismissal times, my main concern is the students and their well being. They need and deserve my undivided attention; therefore I cannot get into lengthy discussions during those times.