Welcome to our Class Blog!


Thanks for visiting the blog! Check out this site weekly for updated newsletters, pictures, what's going on in first grade and other interesting facts about our class. If you have anything you would like to see on the blog, email me at aanders4@hpseagles.net.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Writer's Spotlight on...Addison!

Dear Mrs. DeGroot,

I think the school should have more bathrooms. My first reason is when kids come from the lunchroom they is a big line in the bathroom. Kids may have an accident. My second reason is kids have to wait to long. My third reason is it is a long time to use the... 

bathroom. Example, I saw kids taking drinks when kids shouldn't. A solution, you can make the bathrooms bigger. That's why the bathrooms should be bigger.

This amazing girl has turned into a fabulous writer! Check out her persuasive letter!

Christmas Concert....amazing!

I loved seeing the streamers with this song! It was such an awesome addition!

Practicing for the big night!

Keeping our eyes on Mr. Barry!

What a great concert! I just love hearing these little voices sing! It is so precious!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Writer's Spotlight on...Sierra!

Sierra is a wonderful writer! She uses her touch organizer to help her with persuasive writing!

Here is Sierra's touch organizer for persuasive letter writing! This helps us make sure we have all the parts of our letters!

Dear Mom,
I think that we should have a bunny. My first reason is that I would feed it. I will put it to sleep. My third reason is that I will put it in a tank. That is why I think that we need a bunny. 

My solution is that I will let my sisters help. My examples is that I saw a person being mean to an animal before.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

1C is thankful for....

In case you missed the e-mail: Here is our thankful video to all of you! Enjoy!

Writer's Spotlight on...David!

David is a great writer! He is full of many topics and ideas for his persuasive letters!

Dear Dad,
I think I should have a new driveway. My first reason is I will keep the driveway clean. My second reason is I will not trash your stuff in the driveway. My third reason is I will not put my bike in the driveway. That is why I want a new driveway.
Your boy happy, David