Welcome to our Class Blog!


Thanks for visiting the blog! Check out this site weekly for updated newsletters, pictures, what's going on in first grade and other interesting facts about our class. If you have anything you would like to see on the blog, email me at aanders4@hpseagles.net.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year!

Hello! Welcome to first grade! My name is Mrs. Anderson, and I am going to be your first grade teacher. This is my sixth year teaching first grade. I LOVE to teach and I am very excited to meet you! I’m sure you will learn even more about me as the year goes on.

I am married and have a wonderful husband named Chad. We love to go fishing, four wheeling, running and biking together, but most of all, we love to get ice cream! 
I have a Master’s degree in reading and I love to share and talk about books. There are so many wonderful books I want to share with you. Reading is one of my favorite things to do! My wish is that you will develop a love for reading during your year in first grade. You will be a reading and writing genius before you know it! Math is also one of my favorite subjects to teach. We will have a blast learning new ways to add, subtract and count numbers.

You will need lots of things for first grade. I added a list of recommended items you will want for school. If you are able, please come to school with these things on the first day. You will also want to come with a folder to bring mail home from school and a peanut free snack for our snack break in the morning. 

I am looking forward to meeting you and your family at the Back to School Open House on Wednesday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m. In addition to seeing your new classroom and meeting me, you can see your classmates as well! I hope that you enjoy the rest of your summer break. If you are like me, you can't wait for school to start up again!  See you soon!

Please fill out this short survey to help me get to know your child! This is the same survey that was e-mailed to you. If you didn't receive the e-mail you can fill the survey out right here by clicking on the link. Thank you for your responses!

~Mrs. Anderson 

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Here are a few pictures of me to help you remember what I look like and so your parents can put a face with a name:)