Welcome to our Class Blog!


Thanks for visiting the blog! Check out this site weekly for updated newsletters, pictures, what's going on in first grade and other interesting facts about our class. If you have anything you would like to see on the blog, email me at aanders4@hpseagles.net.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Break Spirit Week!

Spring Break Spirit Week Is Here!
March 31-April 3
Please join us in getting excited for Spring Break! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on...Isaac!

                        Here is Isaac! Check out his handwriting! Wow!

We were going to Lego Land. WE had to pay. It was cold. "Brrr," I whispered.  

We went to a cool lego city. We saw an ambulance crash into a light pole and put a strap on. Then we got the last game ride.

We built lego cars. Boom! My car blew up so I built a new car. I dropped it down the high road.

We went to the Lego Land lego place with the legos. Then we went to the Legos there. We went to play. 

Then put the legos in the car and we went to grandmas and grandpas. We drive and drive. We got there and had a drink.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Family Reading Night!

Please join us for a fun-filled night of 

Family Reading Night is March 25th! 
From 6:30-8:00

Writer's Spotlight on....Aurek!

Aurek has done such a great job with adding dialogue to his writing. He has great details as well!

It was snack break and I was done with my snack. Mrs. Anderson was calling names to go bowling! "I hope I get picked."

First, she mixed the tickets for a long, long, long, long, long time. Then she called 9 names. Andrew got to pick the tenth one. It was...

Me! "Yippee" I was so, so , so happy. I hope my brother got picked, so I could play with him. 

Mrs. Anderson gave me a paper for mom and dad to sing and bring to class on Monday or you won't go. 
I put it in my mailbox and I could not stop smiling. I was so happy! "Yay"

Aurek is a first grader. His family is his brother Keller, mom and dad and he really, really, really, likes sports reading and writing. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on....Platon!

Platon has made some great improvements in his writing over the past week!

First I went to Lego Land. It was not fun being in the car. Now we got there. 

We were buying a Ninja Light Cycle and a robot with a cool head. It has a blue and yellow and white and green laser.

I saw a R2D2 and I asked for to get it and I can not have it. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on.....Lola!

Way to go Lola! Look at the amount of writing she has worked up towards!
It was the first day of school. I went in the first grade classroom. I was with my mom at school. I was really nervous and happy too. "This was the best day ever." I whispered to myself. 

Then, I open my locker and I put my bag in my locket. I was happy. Mrs. Anderson told me to put my paper in my locker and I went to put my paper in my locker. 

Then, I went outside and when I got outside I had a recess. I lined up in 1C class. I got my backpack. 

The, I got I got in the school and gave my mom a kiss. Then went in the classroom. I was really nervous. I put in my stuff in my desk. 

Then, I went to find my desk. My name was on my desk. I read a book at school on the first day of school. I was happy on the first day of school. I have fun at school.