Welcome to our Class Blog!


Thanks for visiting the blog! Check out this site weekly for updated newsletters, pictures, what's going on in first grade and other interesting facts about our class. If you have anything you would like to see on the blog, email me at aanders4@hpseagles.net.

Friday, February 28, 2014

We Can Read Non-Fiction!

We have been working very hard at reading non-fiction books in our classroom!

We worked in groups of 3 to come up with some important facts we learned about our topic!

We presented these to our class!

Videos coming soon!

Hudsonville Ice Cream Reading Challenge

March is Reading Month!
Check out this reading challenge from Hudsonville Ice Cream. Follow the directions on the website below.
You could even win free ice cream for a year!

Click Here!

Writer's Spotlight on...Cody!

Writer's Spotlight on...Cody!

First, I went to the bowling alley on Saturday. "The bowling alley was big." Carlie giggled. And my dad yelled, "Carlie quit it!."

Next, I got shoes and went to the arcade and played some games and they were fun. "These games are awesome," I grinned. 

Then, we came back and it was ready and we ate a shake and started to play. I got a strike on my first try and my mom and dad replied, "Good Job."

Then, we were done and we played more games and got prizes and I got a 3ds and ipod and a new basketball because mine broke. And the games I got on the i pod were there's minecraft, skylander, swamp frog, sonic adventure. 

Last, we ate pizza and went home and went to bed and went home and went to bed an my mom said I could play on my ipod for a little while and I only had time to games and play one game. "And that game was fun," I replied. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy 100's Day!

Happy 100's Day!

We all made it to 100 days of school! Even with the all the snow days!  :) 

Here are some pictures of the math activities we did today with our 100 items!

We practiced writing the 100 partners.

Some of us even drew the 10-sticks to match the equations!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Party was a blast of fun!
Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

Lots of yummy treats!

I think the best part of our party was being able to check out all of our Valentines!

Check out Lillie's dance moves!

Writer's Spotlight on.....Grant R!

How To Make A Star
By, Grant R.

Have you tried making a star. You need to try it!
First, you will need a pencil and a glue and scissors. 

Then, you make an A. Then you cross a side like this. Then you dross the other side like this.
I hope you have fun making it. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Thank You!

Thank you parents for a great Valentine's Day Party! I don't know about you, but I love seeing the pure excitement in the faces of 26 first graders when they open up each of their Valentine's Day cards!
Thank you for making our party a great one! We (I) appreciate you very much!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on....Gabby!

How To Make A Snowman

Do you know how to make a snowman?
You will need buttons, snow ball, eyes, mouth, nose and arms. 

First, you put the three snowballs and balance them together.
Second, you put the eyes on the snowman. 

Third, you put the nose on.
Fourth, put the one mouth and push carefully on the snowman. 

Fifth, put three buttons on the snowman.
Sixth, you put the two arms on the snowman. 

Now you have your very own snowman. 

Jamestown Elementary Bowl-a-Rama!

Please join us for the Jamestown Elementary Bowl-a-Rama!  

We will start brining in food on February 24. 

Please click on these 2 links to find out information about this event! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on .....Katelyn!

Katelyn did such a great job writing clear steps for her how to! Awesome work!

Katelyn has a great how to!

How To Make a Star

Have you ever made a star before?

You will need, a piece of paper, a pencil, a yellow marker and a scissors.
First, draw an upside down V.
Next, draw a diagonal line up.
Then, draw a straight line across the star. 
After that, draw a diagonal line down. After that, get the marker then, tack the cap off the marker and color the star. 

After that, get the scissors and cut around the star. 
Now you have a star.