Welcome to our Class Blog!


Thanks for visiting the blog! Check out this site weekly for updated newsletters, pictures, what's going on in first grade and other interesting facts about our class. If you have anything you would like to see on the blog, email me at aanders4@hpseagles.net.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Valentine's Class List

Hello First Grade Families! 

Happy Snow Day! Can you believe this weather? How many days until Spring? 

I imagine you have so many things to do on these snow days (wink, wink) so I am sending out this Valentine's Class List, just in case you wanted to get started on filling them out:) 

Hopefully, we will have school tomorrow!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on....Kaleb!

Kaleb's Work....Coming Soon!
You will need, gum and teeth. 
First, open the gum and put it in your mouth. Chew it until it's soft. 
Next, press the gum with your tongue to the top of your mouth to make it flat. Then put the gum in between your front teeth and stick your tongue out. 
Last, blow air and hold the gum in between your front teeth. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on....Megan!!!

Megan worked hard at writing her first How-To piece!
How to Blow a Bubble

First, you get gum. You open the wrapper, put it in your mouth and chew it until it's soft.
Next, press it on the top of your mouth.
Last, you will stick your tongue through and blow and you have a bubble.

Great Work on your first How-To, Megan!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Making Gingerbread Houses!

We had such a great time making gingerbread houses this week!

We used a lot of candy to decorate them!

Check out that front yard!!

Our hands were really sticky!

Thank you to all the parents who donated items for our Christmas party and gingerbread houses! We couldn't have made them without you!!!

Writer's Spotlight on....Sam!

Sam wrote a persuasive letter to his mom and dad about wanting a cat. He has two great reasons and is working on making sure his opinion is at the start and the end of his letter. Way to go Sam!

Dear Mom and Dad,
May I have a cat? One reason, they are cute. Another reason, they are cuddly. Once I saw a cat at the pet store. I will not let it scratch the house. May I have a cat. Read my letter. It will help.
From, Sam

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Writer's Spotlight on....Pancho!

Pancho wrote a letter to Mr. DeLeeuw about lunch time. This was a great topic for a persuasive letter!

Dear Mr. DeLeeuw,
I think we shouldn't have any red lights. Because we have to sit with our heads down. Another reason is every time we get a red light, we miss recess the next day. Another reason is that is makes me feel sad. You could talk with us and tell us to be quiet. I think we shouldn't...

have any red lights.
From, Pancho

Writer's Spotlight on......Olivia!

Olivia has done a fabulous job of including all the parts of a persuasive letter. She even has a few extra parts to try and persuade me to change my mind about our computer times! :)
Great persuasive letter Olivia!

Dear Mrs. Anderson,
I think we should play what ever game we want on computers because we will probably get bored with the games we already played. We can learn how to play new games. It's good to learn new things too, right? 

For example, one day I was playing on the computer and I wanted to play a Halloween game but I already played all the Halloween games. Maybe we could play new games for a little bit and we could play the games you want us to play. This is why I think we should play what ever game we want on computers. Please read my letter and help.
Love, Olivia