Welcome to our Class Blog!


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

More writing and School Families!

One way we can be better at writing is to work with a writing partner! 

Partners can help us by listening to our writing and giving us tips on how to make it better.

Our partners can also serve as writing coaches. They will coach us through a tricky part in our writing and give us ideas on what we could add, take out or revise!

It is always great to be able to show off our hard work by reading our finished piece to our writing partners!

Writing Celebrations are so cool!

We love to show off our hard work with a writing celebration at the end of each writing unit! 

Of course, each writing celebration starts with a juice toast! 

We love our juice boxes!

For this celebration, we were able to share in a circle! We each read our small moments into the microphone! I was so impressed at the great progress we are making in writing!

We often help each other hold the pages:)

We are also really great listeners!

Thank you parents for donating juice boxes so that we can celebrate our writing with each new unit! That is the best part!

Professor Gizmo!

A few months ago, we had a special visitor come to our school and teach us about science! His name was Professor Gizmo! He sure was funny!

We couldn't wait for the show to start!

He looked so funny with that head and face!

We learned about so many different things like....gravity!

and static electricity....!

We couldn't believe our eyes!

We also learned about water and Dakota was a special scientist helper!

Many more students became professor Gizmo's assistents too!

Walk A Thon!

Walk a thon was a huge success! Thank you to all the parents and community members that donated! 

It was a perfect day to get a little exercise and to walk for a great cause!

We were very thirsty! Thank you parents for the amazing water bottles!

Check out those red faces! Phew! We did some work out there!

At least we are all still smiling!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Our Trip to Fredrick Meijer Gardens!

Our day started off a little rainy and cold, but as the day went on, it was warmer and warmer! The cold didn't ruin our fun though!

We loved playing outside on the playground. There was so much to do!

Inside the plant pavilion! We saw a few caterpillars that had just turned into their pupas!

Here is one about ready to come out!!!!

Do you see the caterpillar? 

Reiel found a pupa!

The butterflies were absolutely beautiful!

Check out those pupas!

Elizabeth had one on her jacket! It must have liked the colors!