Welcome to our Class Blog!


Thanks for visiting the blog! Check out this site weekly for updated newsletters, pictures, what's going on in first grade and other interesting facts about our class. If you have anything you would like to see on the blog, email me at aanders4@hpseagles.net.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Here we are at the star of the walk-a-thon! Notice the smiling faces!

Getting ready for the countdown.

Even though it had rained in the morning, we ended up having a perfect day!

Look at those red faces!

Brynn taking a snack break:) 

Still smiling!

Josh, Chloe, Zoey and Lexi stop for a picture!

Cole is whooped! He ran almost the entire time!

David, still smiling!

Lily F. still having fun!

Matthew looks like he could go a few more laps!

Look at how hard Michael and Owen worked! Great effort boys!

Here is our sign! At one point, it did say, "1C is a Hoppin' place to be!"
The humidity took some of our letters.

All finished! Way to go first grade!

What time is it??

We can tell time!
We played a game last week to help review telling time! 

The game was called....TIME FLIES! Get it...ha ha!

We practiced telling time to the hour and 1/2 hour on analog clocks!

When you turned over a fly, you had to skip your turn.

This was a great game to review telling time and not to mention, fun!

May Character Winners!

Congratulations to Emma and Michael for showing great character!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Important Book

Our important books have final arrived and we celebrated by taking some time to read them!
This was the first time we saw the finished product. And...We love it!

It is so special to have a real published book!

Parents, I hope you enjoyed reading these with your first grader! We will be doing one more BIG activity with our Important books this year! Stay tuned......

Thursday, May 3, 2012

We have butterflies and a toad!

The butterflies are here!
On Monday morning, I came in to find that 4 out of the 5 pupas had turned into butterflies! The best part was when we caught the last one coming out of the pupa and could watch the whole thing!

Another animal "hopped" into our classroom on Monday morning!
Zach found a toad and did some research to find out more about his habitat.
His mom and dad put this amazing habitat together and let us have a chance to see him for a few days. 
The toad eats live crickets. I made sure Zach knew how to feed him before his dad dropped off the cage:) 

We learned that "Mr. Bumps" likes to burrow in the ground. We didn't even see him once the first day! What a fun experience this has been. Thank you Zach and the Little's for allowing us to learn from this experience! 

April Character Winners!

Congratulations to David and Zoey for being wonderful Characters at Jamestown!!!

Writing Celebration!

On Friday, we celebrated all of the hard work we have done in our All About books.

To celebrate, we invited Mrs. Dodson's 5th grade class down to our classroom to listen to us read.

Some of us were a little nervous to read in front of a BIG 5th grader! But, we did it!

We shared our writing in groups. When we finished reading, the fifth graders gave us a compliment!